Wednesday 25th November, 2009
Tis the season…for Peonies! The soft balls of floral fluff touch our hearts every year!

Photo from Greys Likes Weddings

Photo from Polka Dot Bride

Photo from Real Simple

Photo from Karen Tran

Photo by Peonies and Polaroids

Photo from Polka Dot Bride
Monday 23rd November, 2009
We love these heart sucker lollipop from Suga. They come in a range of colours of you can have them customised if you order over fifty- we think they’re too sweet!

Wednesday 18th November, 2009

Bone buttons from CuriousOldThings
Before me is a glass jar of beautiful old buttons – a gift from my mother. All are varying shades of brown from the different types of wood that they are made from. Some are large and round with centres that are grooved and high, others have intricate carved designs in the centre, still others are rectangular with designs drawn on one corner. My favourites however, are in the shape of sea horses – some large, some small and all made from coconut shell – a momento of her life on a Pacific Island. Then there are the tiny wooden fish and the faded painted tulip ones, and the leather covered ones.

Antique gold button heriloom set from beauxbijoux
All represent a moment in time to me – from her heritage and her life. In times of stress, it is a wonderful reminder of where we come from and what is important.
For your wedding, start collecting buttons that particularly catch your eye. You could look in dress fabric shops, craft stores, and your local markets. There may even be a second hand unappealing dress with amazing buttons that you could cut off to start your collection. Mums and aunts might have button jars hidden away or you might find some in an ‘Op shop’.

Vintage Brass and button bracelet from Wired Vintage

Button earrings from Little White Dresser
They could be in the colour you envisage for your reception, they could be appealing shapes or made from materials that capture your imagination. You could use them to embellish your favour boxes, incorporate them into your dresses as a feature on a belt, or pleating, or using them in a headpiece.

Seaglass buttons from SweptFromTheSea
Tuesday 17th November, 2009
We can’t get enough of all things circus lately (more on that later!) So we were delighted to see Peter Alexander‘s latest range!

Nothing makes us happier than a good old fashioned circus!
Wednesday 11th November, 2009
Cufflinks fastening a cuff on a shirt look elegant and ‘put together. Even with a more casual outfit of a lighter coloured suit, they will give you the finishing touch you’re after. Here are some interesting ones we have found!
Steampunk cufflinks from edm designs

Linkable Cufflinks by Escott Originals

Rock on Record Cufflinks by Dabble Designs

Rampant Lion Coin Cufflinks by artUwear

Vintage map cufflinks by Anne Holman

Piano Key Cuff Links by Jamie Riley Be Moso from Bella Moda Artist

Asian Blue Crackle Glass Cufflinks from Glasshouse Jewelry