Wednesday 25th April, 2012
A day when we remember and honour all the fallen from past wars. Families get together to watch the marches and celebrate in the good old Aussie way, with barbeques, a quiet drink, and Anzac biscuits with a hot cup of tea.

Image from

Image from

Image from
Wednesday 18th April, 2012
Pretty and unusual ribbons always have a place at weddings – around your bouquet, tied onto chairs, on ribbon wands, tied around favour boxes – to name a few uses for them.

Mel Designs by Melony Bradley


Madame Treacle

The Lonely Heart

Sesenarts and Crafts
Wednesday 11th April, 2012
Stick it up with washi tape!

Washi tape from Wishy Washi Tape

Tape from Shek Phoebe

From Pretty Tape

Tape from Chickydoddle
Wednesday 04th April, 2012
Brown paper packages, lolly bags, bouquets – tied up with string…..

Hand dyed bakers twine from FraSizzle

Hemp twine from Hemp Craft

Bakers twine from Bakers Bling

Twine from The Twinery