Monday 27th July, 2009

Alphabet Soup

How warming it is to eat a bowl of soup while curled up watching your favourite TV show or listening to music.


Martha Stewart Mixed Mushroom Soup

Recently on a Saturday, we cooked some pea and ham soup. Ham hocks bought from the butcher, green split peas, onions and stock – and we had the makings of a simple soup that took hours to cook and perfumed the house with that ‘what’s for dinner?’ smell. Some good bread and a glass of wine and the meal was complete, both for the tummy and the soul.

Pumpkin soup is another favourite, all the better when the pumpkin is roasted first and a good chicken stock is used. Potato soup, broccoli soup with cream, and a real favourite here, chicken soup cooked with plenty of vegetables and noodles.


Martha Stewart Emerald Green Velvet Soup

All of these soups can be adapted for a winter wedding breakfast. Tweak the recipe a little to add elegance and serve your guests the soup in small earthenware cups or small bowls.

Filled under: Joyous Ideas Posted by:  at 12:28 pm
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